Welcome to Tesla Nomad
We're so glad you're here! We are Chris and Andrada living in the United Kingdom and striving to live the most sustainable and waste-free lifestyle, one step at a time. It's no news that the world is facing an unprecedented climate crisis and as we learn more about the devastating effects, it becomes clearly undeniable that we all must do as much as we can to help ensure we build a clean future to allow humanity to thrive on this fragile, pale, blue dot.
We know that like us, there are many people who wish to improve their habits, stay informed of new technologies, help to fight unhealthy political policy or join group efforts to clean up and save our unique planet. We're certainly no experts and relatively recently began thinking so deeply about our lifestyles, but once seen it cannot be ignored and we love learning about the ways people are coming together to create amazing change. If that's at all relatable then please watch this space for further reading, consider following our journey and spreading the word!
We're incredibly fortunate to be have recently been able to swap our old, polluting, mechanically questionable ICE vehicle for a Tesla Model 3 as the biggest step in converting to a green lifestyle and we're so keen to share our experience and knowledge as we gain it to hopefully inform, reassure and even persuade others to also make the switch to Electric. Just like mobile phones two decades ago, the change is happening and it will be faster than expected - exciting times are ahead!
I hope this blog inspires you to explore new places and ideas, feel free to leave a comment or follow us on social media.
If you’re considering purchasing a Tesla product, we can both get free supercharger miles or other swag if you use this referral link.