Life-Changing Brain Computer Interfaces

Brain Computer Interfaces, or BCI, are exactly as the name implies, a direct connection between your mind and a computer. Whilst it may sound like science fiction or some dystopic future technology, they’ve actually been a reality for some time and primitive versions exist all around us now, with many people using them on a daily basis; such as a keyboard and mouse.

This is just the next level up from that, moving from external to internal, how much faster and easier is it to think rather than type what you want to say? Most humans already spend a lot of time interacting with computers in so many forms; laptops, tablets, or most commonly, mobile phones. A lot of retail has shifted online since the pandemic and even in-person experiences at most large grocery stores have you operating a self-service kiosk, dealing with a machine. We are inextricably linked to technology in this world and currently the best method we have to use it involves our eyes and digits, a slow and unintuitive process to say the least.

It seems quite logical that the next step would be to implant a device directly into ourselves to manage that interaction in our true, native language - thought. A scary prospect for some of course, but the obvious advantages are massively improved speed and efficiency, simply thinking to ask Google something could return the results into your head without needing your fingers at all. Playing your favourite video game would be absolutely immersive and provide a truly unique and intuitive experience, without having to operate a controller, stare at a 2D screen or even strap on a bulky 3D VR headset.

Depending on your habits, it may be more of a nightmare to have your social apps accessible within your own head, but in terms of interpersonal connection and collaboration we'll have the ability to communicate essentially telepathically with anybody else on the planet (assuming internet accessibility). Perhaps even finally be able to comprehend another's thoughts without the burden of language translation and interpretation getting in the way.

The price to pay? A small physical chip must be surgically set inside the skull and wired into your neurons by a robot, naturally, with actions so precise that no human could ever achieve. Seems drastic? Perhaps, but the benefits for those who are physically disabled and unable to move, speak or function fully in this world are dramatic, allowing them to control prosthetics as if they were their own limbs, talk to anybody through a computer as if it were their own voice and generally enjoy the luxury of personal autonomy that the vast majority of us are so lucky to have access to.

Let's be clear, these incredible tools do not have their own agendas, there's no malicious AI plotting to lull us into a false sense of security whilst secretly taking over. These are designed purely to restore failures of the physical form and eventually enhance functionality we already have access to in very limited amounts. This is not some Bladerunner-esque fantasy that we need to be worried about, but it is something that society needs to be aware of and prepared for in the surprisingly near future. Neuralink is at the forefront of these implants, founded as recently as 2016 they have already completed successful trials in pigs; monitoring their vital statistics and brainwaves, and allowing chimps to play pong against a computer using only their mind.

The device simply sends data over Bluetooth and connects to an app in a spookily normal way, neurological impulses are recorded for study and to train the interface software to actually understand what the subject is thinking. It will be a very short time before their human trials currently pending regulatory review are approved and the first recipients will be the worst afflicted, quadriplegic or paraplegics who will have their movement returned, and humanity should rejoice.

Those with brain damage and naturally terrible afflictions such as Alzheimer's or Dementia may be given back what was lost, by restoring or rewiring broken connections and pathways in our brains. Once that's taken care of, then we may move on to simply expand our existing capability with things like unlimited memory, processing power and instant access to all information. The word 'permanent' may take on a new meaning as our lifespans will be extended and essentially any damage may eventually be repairable.

Since this year, Synchron are already testing their technology in willing human patients and the results over the coming years are sure to be be remarkable. Once the success stories begin to filter into society, many companies will be eagerly expanding into this burgeoning domain. The topic clearly requires lengthy discussion in terms of legislation, although if EVs are any example to go by, the law will not be able to keep up with the progress of innovation and each of us will need to address this ethical conundrum ourselves. Certainly there is potential for abuse, as with splitting the atom, but the leap for human potential and life experience could be infinitely greater, heralding an era of equality unlike ever before and unlocking almost limitless potential for our race.


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