Automation + AI = Economy?
The future that I see is free. Free in the purest way, not some 'American dream' ideal that whilst completely noble, has never honestly been the case. Freedom to wake up when you like and spend your precious limited hours of life on this planet doing what you love, whatever brings you joy.
Tesla's API is seriously undervalued!
These computers on wheels are some of the most complexly engineered products on the planet, whilst having a beautifully straightforward and easy to use programming interface…the entire vehicle API is accessible to owners and contains a plethora of interesting information
Tesla Investor Day 2023
Naturally the sustainable energy transition will actually end up costing less than continuing on the current path of fossil fuel investment and subsidies ($10 Trillion vs. $14 Trillion), and the grid will require about half the total generation (82 PetaWatt-hours / yr compared to 165 PetaWatt-hours / yr) due to the vastly greater efficiency of renewables.