Tesla, Technology Chris Carliell Tesla, Technology Chris Carliell

Tesla Investor Day 2023

Naturally the sustainable energy transition will actually end up costing less than continuing on the current path of fossil fuel investment and subsidies ($10 Trillion vs. $14 Trillion), and the grid will require about half the total generation (82 PetaWatt-hours / yr compared to 165 PetaWatt-hours / yr) due to the vastly greater efficiency of renewables.

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Technology, Tesla Chris Carliell Technology, Tesla Chris Carliell

Battery storage systems and Virtual Power Plants

Batteries soak up electricity when there's a surplus and redistribute it when needed, and as such are an essential part of the new-age grid being built today.

Tesla have been working on this problem for a while and already have many successful stationary battery packs deployed around the world, contracted by businesses or governments for mega installations.

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